Tangent128 / luasdl2

A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT.

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Integers in Lua 5.3

tDwtp opened this issue · comments


When running the HitTest example (from #75) the integer value for the area's x and y is way to high.
I guess a double is interpreted as a long long int somewhere.

example output:

window "HitTest Bug": size 240x240
area: 11530578440487077x11530578440487125
window "": size 1654190018x4448800
area: 11530578440487077x11530578440487125
Invalid window

ALSO: This sample's output has the rare occurance of the window-size going nuts. It sometimes sets to 0x10 or similar invalid values. Note that the window-title is also incorrect/missing.
The most common value is 0x10 (which can be seen when print (window) is added to end of the minimal example.


The fix #77 from #75 seems to also fix this one.