Tangent128 / luasdl2

A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT.

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Compile on mac issues

LottieVixen opened this issue · comments

installed all the libs, seems to need pointing directly to the headerfiles

`Warning: falling back to curl - install luasec to get native HTTPS support
Installing https://luarocks.org/lua-sdl2-

Error: Could not find header file for SDL2
No file SDL2/SDL_scancode.h in /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/Headers/
You may have to install SDL2 in your system and/or pass SDL2_DIR or SDL2_INCDIR to the luarocks command.
Example: luarocks install lua-sdl2 SDL2_DIR=/usr/local
Blackbook:luarocks-2.4.1 charlottelilyfields$ #sudo luarocks install lua-sdl2 SDL2_INCDIR=/Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/Headers/* SDL2_INCDIR=/Library/Frameworks/SDL2_image.framework/Headers SDL2_INCDIR=/Library/Frameworks/SDL2_mixer.framework/Headers SDL2_INCDIR=/Library/Frameworks/SDL2_net.framework/Headers SDL2_INCDIR=/Library/Frameworks/SDL2_ttf.framework/Headers`

is used there because i didn't want to run it again

misread error, ln -s /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/Headers /Library/Frameworks/SDL2 fixed the issue