Tangent128 / luasdl2

A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT.

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Visual Studio Compile Errors

NewbProgramming opened this issue · comments

I am getting these errors when Building the solution:


Windows 10 64-bit
Visual Studio Community 2015
SDL2-dev VC-32 includes, libraries, downloaded
LuaJIT 2.0.4 lua51, built from source (http://prntscr.com/b8smav)

In your screenshot of the Cmake settings, it looks like LUA_LIBDIR is set to "/"; that is probably the wrong path.

I have not done much with LuaJIT nor Windows compilation, unfortunately, so I can't help in depth. But try double-checking where your LuaJIT libraries are installed?

According to your documentation, that directory is relative to the INSTALL path, but I will try moving my LuaJIT files there to see if that works. I'll update this post with my feedback from doing so.

Change the installation path of libraries

$ cmake .. -DLUA_LIBDIR=/path/to/install/libraries

Note that this is relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

Yeah it didn't work, same errors. Thanks for the try.

I will try with the latest stable release of Lua.
Nah still not working, same errors. Lua53

On other programs I use Lua with, works fine, so I hope you will see my specific problem here and fix it, if not oh well. Thanks.