TanStack / form

🤖 Powerful and type-safe form state management for the web. TS/JS, React Form, Solid Form, Lit Form and Vue Form.

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Missing error when validating via form options instead of via field

bennettdams opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When using the (Zod) validator on the form options (passing to useForm) instead of using it directly on the field, there is no entry in the errors/touchedErrors array.

Works (directly on field)


Doesn't work (passing to useForm)


Your minimal, reproducible example


Steps to reproduce

There are two forms in the repro example.
The first form uses a validator on the form.Field. Everything works as expected.
The second form uses a validator on the form options. Now, there is no error.

Expected behavior

Validation errors are put on the errors/touchedErrors field, no matter where validation took place.

How often does this bug happen?

Every time

Screenshots or Videos

No response


TanStack Form adapter


TanStack Form version


TypeScript version


Additional context

No response

Away from a computer right now. Are you checking against the field errors or the form errors. This is a bit confusing, but form validation like this doesn't set field errors, it sets form errors

Are you checking against the field errors or the form errors.

Yep, was using the FieldInfo helper from the examples.

it sets form errors

You're right, the validation message exists on field.form.state.errors, thanks!

This is a bit confusing

I have to agree that this is confusing, as one would always need to look for errors in multiple places.
Also, it seems that the form has no touchedErrors like a Field has?

Helper component for reference:

function FieldInfo({ field }: { field: FieldApi<any, any, any, any> }) {
  // This is empty when using the "form" validator (but not for the "field" validator)
  console.log("field touchedErrors", field.state.meta.touchedErrors);
  // ...but not empty for the form's `errors`
  console.log("form errors", field.form.state.errors);
  return (
      {field.state.meta.touchedErrors.length === 0 ? (
        "No errors"
      ) : field.state.meta.touchedErrors ? (
      ) : null}

FWIW we're actually planning on removing touchedErrors 😅

Also, we're gonna make the story of form->field validation easier here:


Closing as both are a WIP, but thanks for the feedback and detailed report 😇