TanStack / form

🤖 Powerful and type-safe form state management for the web. TS/JS, React Form, Solid Form, Lit Form and Vue Form.

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Add a way to display only one error for a field

francois-pasquier opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Currently we return field.state.meta.touchedErrors ValidationError[] as a string by concataining the different errors of a field with commas.

It would be great to be able to display only one error.


            onChange: v.string([
              v.minLength(1, t(i18n)`This field is mandatory`),
              v.custom(isDateStringValid, t(i18n)`The birth date format is incorrect`),
              v.custom(isDateStringOver18, t(i18n)`You have to be at least 18 years`),

These valibot validators will end up on showing all three errors just by typing a letter and deleting it.
Imo, this is not a good UX.

I would expect some kind of priority in the error messages, thus only displaying the first validation to return an error.

Your minimal, reproducible example


Steps to reproduce

        onChange: v.string([
          v.minLength(1, t(i18n)`This field is mandatory`),
          v.custom(isDateStringValid, t(i18n)`The birth date format is incorrect`),
          v.custom(isDateStringOver18, t(i18n)`You have to be at least 18 years`),

Expected behavior

More control over the errors display

How often does this bug happen?


Screenshots or Videos

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TanStack Form adapter


TanStack Form version


TypeScript version

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Additional context

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This should be done at the validator level where you can pass transformErrors to transformErrors: errors => errors[0] rather than transformErrors: errors => errors.join(', ')

Will mark this as "Good first issue" and a feature request

@crutchcorn Hello, can I work on this issue? If possible, please assign it to me. 😊

Not sure if this is relevant to this issue or if I should create a separate one but being able to return an array from

    onChange: ["err1", "err2"] // string | string[]

instead of having to return a single .join("\n")ed string would be a very nice addition as well.

@jessekelly881 let's open a different issue on it :)

@seobbang PRs welcome! No need to assign it out, but do feel free to tackle the issue :)