TanStack / form

🤖 Powerful and type-safe form state management for the web. TS/JS, React Form, Solid Form, Lit Form and Vue Form.

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validateAllFields isn't working with touched fields

Hatzl opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

If you call form.validateAllFields("change") and have initial form errors (e.g. empty required field) it returns the error.
If you call it again, it only returns a empty array. Also it isn't showing errors from touched fields.

Is this behaviour intended? How can I also validate touched fields?

Your minimal, reproducible example


Steps to reproduce

  1. click on validate -> errors will be shown
  2. click on validate again -> errors is empty

Expected behavior

form.validateAllFields("change") should always return errors

How often does this bug happen?

Every time

Screenshots or Videos

No response


  • OS: MacOS
  • Browser: Chrome

Tanstack Form adapter


TanStack Form version


TypeScript version

No response

Additional context

No response

I see the reason is HERE only "untouched" fields are validated.

Is this behaviour intended? How can I also validate touched fields?

I want to validate all fields at once when people clicked a button too

i need to manual validate fields at submit.

Hey y'all - I'm investigating this now.

However @fallenleavesguy @chaozwn, I will note that I think y'all aren't facing the same issue as @Hatzl. Instead, take a look at the newly released 0.10.x releases, which introduce the ability to validate all fields in change and blur during a submit.

I've just opened #526 to solve this issue.

This actually got me thinking about how we're doing (and exposing) validation. The return types are kinda all over the place and we should probably restrict some of these methods to _ to make it clear that they're intended for internals only.

0.10.3 carries this fix but be aware that we're likely to make substantial changes to the API of validateAllFields and similar semi-internal methods before v1.