Talesoft / tale-jade

A complete and fully-functional implementation of the Jade template language for PHP

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Block Expansion doesn't work with classes?

YamiOdymel opened this issue · comments


.a.b: .c.d
    | Hello, world!


<div class="a b">
  c.d| Hello, world!

Maybe the dots made compiler escaped the classes?

I mean some thing like p. so we don't have to type | that thing?

Wow, I did not notice haha

Well, right now just use .a.b: div.c.d (div is always the default tag [configurable])

Normally . doesnt kick in after a block expansion, but here it seems it does for some reason. I'll check it out.

You can assume that I'll fix the open stuff here this weekend.

This, too, should be fixed in the recent commit. Please pull *@dev and tell me if it works.

And this works also.

Tale Jade

    .q.r: .s.t
        .u.v: .wx-.yz.-ab.--cd.e
            .f.g: button.h.i.-jkl.--mn
                | Hello, World


<div class="ts -abc -def -gh-ij --kl mn -op">
    <div class="q r">
        <div class="s t">
            <div class="u v">
                <div class="wx- yz -ab --cd e">
                    <div class="f g">
                        <button class="h i -jkl --mn">
                            Hello, World