TalAter / SpeechKITT

🗣 A flexible GUI for Speech Recognition

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SpeechKITT.displayRecognizedSentence (true) not working, Any alternative?

alexia-rose opened this issue · comments

@TalAter Sir I really big fan of you because of your all open-source cool projects......

I am Using your Annyang js on my project which working very well but I don't know why

SpeechKITT.displayRecognizedSentence (true) not working, But I badly need to show what the user speaks on the mic, is there any fix for this, if not then is there any alternative way that I can perform to do this?

here is the code

`if (annyang) {
// Add our commands to annyang
'hello': function() { alert('Hello world!'); }

// Tell KITT to use annyang

// Define a stylesheet for KITT to use

// Render KITT's interface


Hi @alexia-rose

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I just tested this and I can see the issue you are describing.

It looks like KITT is correctly adding the recognized sentence text and appending it to the DOM...


... unfortunately it looks like the element containing that text has display: none; set on it.

I will try to find some time to fix this, but it won't likely be in the next few months.

If you would like to tackle this and send a PR with a fix, that would be awesome. Alternatively, you might be able to get around this bug for now with a custom stylesheet that replaces themes/flat.css. Specifically the section shown here b2306c4

@TalAter thank you so much for your response and time sir,

I am pretty new to web development so having problems understanding how I can fix it by myself :(

I will wait for you to fix this 😢 until I will use it without this feature

or does Annyang provide any method that returns recognized words?