TakahikoKawasaki / nv-websocket-client

High-quality WebSocket client implementation in Java.

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New version 2.11 doesn't send PONG

brnostone opened this issue · comments

After a while debugging my app, I checked version 2.11 with some bug that is not arriving at my PONG frame server, this bug only happens in this version.

The only difference between 2.11 and the previous version was PR #217. Any thoughts, @nosnilmot ?

Is PR #222 related, @nosnilmot ? Anyway, it seems that a new version of nv-websocket-client with PR #222 should be released...

@brnostone I released nv-websocket-client 2.12 including #PR #222. Could you try the new version?

Pong frames could be impacted by the empty payload bug in PR 217/fixed by PR 222 if they are in response to a Ping with empty/no payload, or if they are unsolicited periodic pongs.

Now it's working, thanks