TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky

The open source air traffic simulator

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Running Multiple Simulations In Separate Intances of Bluesky

nl22-nmsu opened this issue · comments


I'm curious if it's possible to run two separate instances of BS at the same time. I have a plugin with two operating conditions and I'd like to run one operating condition in one instance of BS and the other operating condition in a separate instance of BS simultaneously (preferably with both of them time synced though this isn't mandatory).

I tried just opening a new instance using another terminal but it ended up copying the first instance that was already running.


Hi @nl22-nmsu,

By default, BlueSky is a multi-process application. From the gui you can start multiple simulation instances that can then be used to run several simulations in parallel. You can use the ADDNODES stack command, and/or look at the treeview in the bottom-right corner of the interface.

Perfect. How can I add nodes and reference into those nodes in a plugin?

What is it exactly that you want to do? Each node is a separate simulation instance, which can load its own plugins.

I realized that after I asked my last question. That accomplishes what I wanted to do. Thank you for the help!