TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky

The open source air traffic simulator

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Reading Cache

uriibra opened this issue · comments

Hi, i've been trying to run bluesky, and when i run it, stays freezed on Loading global navigation database...
Reading cache: C:\Users\breic\Desktop\bluesky1\bluesky-master\cache\navdata.p.
I tried to run the check.py and this is the output:

Checking for numpy [OK]
Checking for scipy [OK]
Checking for matplotlib [OK]
Checking for pyqt [QT 6.5.0]
Checking for pyopengl [OK]
OpenGL module version is [3.1.7]
Checking GL capabilities Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\breic\Desktop\bluesky1\bluesky-master\check.py", line 73, in
if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL():

AttributeError: type object 'QSurfaceFormat' has no attribute 'hasOpenGL'

I'm not sure what to do next, someone knows? Thank you!

For anyone on the same situation, It seems that i faind the problem. Pyqt6 doesnt have the checks, to solve this you only need to open the check.py document and delete the qt check. This worked for me!

Thanks, indeed check.py needs an update for Qt6!

Qt / GL checks have been revised in 09df986.