A many-core transient searching pipeline, designed to search in real-time for Fast Radio Bursts.

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SetKernelArg error

loostrum opened this issue · comments

Updated the pipeline after I noticed the output branches are merged into master.
Now getting the following error (using fake data):

Device: TitanX_demo
Padding: 128 bytes

Beams: 1
Synthesized Beams: 1
Batches: 10
Samples: 25600
Frequency range: 1290 MHz, 1589.8 MHz
Subbands: 1 (300 MHz)
Channels: 1536 (0.195312 MHz)
Zapped Channels: 0
Integration steps: 9
DMs: 1024 (0, 102.3)

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cl::Error'
  what():  clSetKernelArg

gdb says the error is in here: int cl::Kernel::setArg<cl::Buffer>(unsigned int, cl::Buffer const&) ()

I'll look into it.

I don't seem to have the same error. @loostrum can you send me the exact configuration you are using?

Hmm maybe I'm missing something then. Here's the exact command I ran and the conf files.
TransientSearch -opencl_platform 0 -opencl_device 0 -device_name TitanX_demo -padding_file confs/ -zapped_channels confs/ -integration_steps confs/ -dedispersion_file confs/ -integration_file confs/ -snr_file confs/ -input_bits 8 -output out/demo -dms 1024 -dm_first 0.0 -dm_step 0.1 -threshold 8 -random -width 128 -dm 789 -beams 1 -synthesized_beams 1 -batches 10 -channels 1536 -min_freq 1290 -channel_bandwidth 0.1953125 -samples 25600 -sampling_time 40.96E-6 -compact_results

Did this work without issues before I merged back the output branch into master?

OK, the first issue I see is with the configuration files that are missing some of the parameters. I did fix all of the configuration files. Try with them and let me know.

Thanks for the updated files. I'm still getting the same error. These new config files do work with the old version.

There was still a problem with the configuration files I passed you. I am not sure this is causing your problem, but at least now I can rule it out.
These new configuration files are correct.

Still the same error, so the config files are not the problem.

I am trying to replicate the error using your command line arguments and configuration files, but it keeps working for me.

I am currently installing/tuning/running the pipeline using the scripts from here. Still tuning so it'll take time.

OK I can now replicate the error, so I should be able to fix it soon enough.

I forgot to merge the output branch in SNR. Now merged and everything works.