TLmaK0 / gravizo

How to include graphviz graphs in github README

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Supporting { and } in UML?

FantasticFiasco opened this issue · comments

It seems that { and } isn't supported in UML when it comes to being displayed indirectly on GitHub.

I have the following UML:

actor User;
participant "Relay service" as A;
participant "Key/value service" as B;

User -> A: GET /relay/{key};
activate A;

A -> B: GET /store/{key};
activate B;

B -> A: {"key":"{key}", "value":"{value}"};
deactivate B;

A -> User:  {"key":"{key}", "value":"{value}"};
deactivate A;


It doesn't not seem to be rendered correctly. For reference, see this.

Thanks for a really cool project!

Hi @FantasticFiasco, I try it and seams works, can you provide more info?

Sure, take a look at this. The only thing differing is { and }.