TIBHannover / FAIR-R

Variant of swcarpentry/r-novice-inflammation for "FAIR Data an Software" workshops (contact: @katrinleinweber)

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Tidy data: teach with inflammation, or with DataCarpentry?

katrinleinweber opened this issue · comments

We need to add one episode about tidy(ing) data and packaging it up as well. In about half an hour, I got the inflammation data tidied up OK like this:

patients <- paste("patient", sep="_", seq(60))
dat <- cbind(dat, patients)
dat_m <- reshape2::melt(data = dat, id.vars = "patients", value.name = "score")

This would fit into the lesson's topic well, but might not be the best teaching material.

@mkuzak & @lwjohnst86: Have you taught DC's R-eco…dplyr or r-social…tidyr episodes? If yes, can you teach one of those again, and I prepare a little bit about usethis::use_data() after that episode?

I have not taught those specific lessons, but I have taught dplyr and tidyr many many times. So yes, I could teach one of those again :)

What do you think of https://github.com/TIBHannover/FAIR-R/pull/5/files? I'm adding more context in the conversation there.

Related to #6.