SystangoTechnologies / serverless-node-simple-image-resize

Simple image resize AWS lambda function

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple AWS lambda serverless function for resizing images. The function resizes the image based on input parameters for size and upload the image on AWS S3.


Run the following commands

$ npm install -g serverless # Install serverless globally
$ serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <AWS Access Key ID> --secret <AWS Secret Access Key> # Setting up default aws credentials
$ cd aws-serverless-image-resize
$ npm install # Installing dependency


$ serverless deploy # Deploying serverless function to aws

By this command serverless deploy you should be able to see the lambda function in your aws lambda dashboard and it should have returned an endpoint and api_key in your terminal keep these for now.

Setup the following variables into your aws lambda function

  • ACCESS_KEY_ID (AWS account access key)
  • SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (AWS account secret key)
  • BUCKET (S3 bucket name where resized images will get uploaded)


Run export MY_API_KEY=<any random key value for your lambda function>

Make a GET API call with to the endpoint and send x-api-key into headers with the api_key value returned after deploy command. The API supports the following query parameters

  • imageUrl (A public URL of the image you want to resize)
  • width or height (One of the following parameter for desired image size)


The API call will return the image URL that has been added to your S3 account.

Running by postman collection

  • Import the postman collection and set the endpoint and x-api-key and make a hit.


Sparsh Pipley


Built under MIT license.


Simple image resize AWS lambda function


Language:JavaScript 100.0%