Symon629 / sprint-webflux-restapi

Spring WebFlux Rest API

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Database Setup

We are using docker based approach for the db
Step 1: Pull the docker image if you dont have the image locally

docker pull mongo:latest

Step2: Run the following to start the container

docker container run -p  27017: 27017   —name mongodb_webfluxtest -d mongo

You can have any name you like --name -p here is the port the first one is your local and the other one is the docker contiainer

Step 3: Verify the container running and Grab the id from there

docker container ls or docker ps

Step 4: Run the bash inside the mongoshell. The 5370 is the container id from docker container ls

docker exec -it 5370 bash

So now you are inside the container running bash


show dbs

to see all the database.

use whatever_db_name

this creates a database for you

Database Configuration

Update this database configuration in in main/resources/

I changed the port number since i have mongo installed locally and so that fiddles with the one in docker continer

Now what happens when you stop a container using

docker container stop <container_number>;


You can restart it using

docker container restart <container-image_number>

You can get the previously stopped container image number using

docker container ls -l

this should give you all the containers that are in your machine and are running also stopped as well

Integration Tests

We will create every integration testFile under src/test/com.symon.spring.webflux - which our base package \

Since we are testing the EmployeeController layer we named our java class EmployeeControllerIntegrationTests

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment =SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT )
 - lets spring know that this is a test class
 - In the brackets we are specifying the webEnvironment
 - Here what we mean is that start springBootTest in any test environment

Now we will use webTestClient to make those rquest

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment =SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT )
public class EmployeeControllerIntegrationTests {
    private EmployeeService employeeService;
    private WebTestClient webTestClient;

- Here @Autowired is used to inject the implemenation during runtime that springboot 
does automatically

The first test here

    public void testSaveEmployee(){
        EmployeeDto employeeDto = new EmployeeDto();




        EmployeeDto employeeDto1 ="/api/employee").contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).accept().body(Mono.just(employeeDto),EmployeeDto.class).exchange().expectStatus().isCreated().expectBody(EmployeeDto.class).consumeWith(System.out::println).returnResult().getResponseBody();

- You have to annotate using @Test without it spring won't know that this is a test

- post() is the type of request other options are get() put() delete

- uri("/api/employee") Specifies the URI for the POST request. In this case, it is /api/employee.

- contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) Sets the Content-Type header to application/json, indicating that the request body will be in JSON format.

- accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) Sets the Accept header to application/json, indicating that the client expects a JSON response.

- body(Mono.just(employeeDto), EmployeeDto.class) Sets the body of the request. Mono.just(employeeDto) creates a Mono that emits the employeeDto object. The EmployeeDto.class specifies the type of the object in the request body.
- exchange() Executes the request and exchanges it with the server. This sends the request and waits for the response.

- .expectStatus().isCreated()  Asserts that the response status code is 201 Created. This is often the expected status code for a successful POST request that creates a new resource.

- .expectBody(EmployeeDto.class) Specifies that the body of the response should be deserialized into an instance of EmployeeDto. This method prepares the response body for further assertions.

- .consumeWith(System.out::println) Consumes the response body and prints it to the console using System.out::println. This is useful for debugging or logging the response.

- .returnResult() Returns the full result of the exchange, which includes the status, headers, and body.

- .getResponseBody()  Extracts the response body from the result. In this case, it will be an instance of EmployeeDto if the response contains a valid JSON object that can be deserialized into EmployeeDto.

Once you get the response body you can check with Assertions

        //Checks where Employeedid is empty or not.

        Assertions.assertTrue(employeeDto1.getId() != null);

        Assertions.assertNotNull(employeeDto1.getId(), "Employee ID should not be null");

        Assertions.assertFalse(employeeDto1.getId().isEmpty(), "Employee ID should not be empty");
        //YOu could also do this


Spring WebFlux Rest API


Language:Java 100.0%