SylivanKenobi / marina-backend

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Marina Backend

This Springboot application provides the backend to the marina gui application

Development Environment

To start the application in local development mode:

docker-compose up -d
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local ./gradlew bootRun

For further details on the development environment, please see the corresponding documentation.

Run tests:

./gradlew clean test

Start Application with Docker pure

First start a Postgresql container with attached volume, run in the project root

docker run -d --name postgresql-container -v$(pwd)/datastore-postgresql:/var/lib/pgsql/data -e POSTGRESQL_USER=marina -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=marina -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=marina centos/postgresql-96-centos7

Then start the backend application and link it to the database container

docker run -d -e SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ACCESSTOKENURI=[url] -e SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_CLIENTID=[clientid] -e SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_CLIENTSECRET=[secret] -e SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_USERAUTHORIZATIONURI=[url] -e SECURITY_OAUTH2_RESOURCE_USERINFOURI=[url] -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql-container:5432/marina -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=marina -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=marina -p 8080:8080 --link postgresql-container puzzle/marina-backend

Database changes

We use Liquibase to manage the database scheme and changes


The following user roles are defined

  • ROLE_USER (default role)

To provide the roles via OAuthprovider the userinfo JSON needs to be altered with

  • roles or
  • client_roles property

if the roles are available in the userinfo response, the client_roles are ignored

In Keycloak we need then to define mappers on the client "User Realm Role" Mapper for the Realm Roles or the "User Client Role" Mapper for the client Roles in the Keycloak Client:

  • Realm Role prefix: empty
  • Multivalued: ON
  • Token Claim Name: roles|client_roles
  • Claim JSON Type: String
  • Add to ID token: ON
  • Add to access token: ON
  • Add to userinfo: ON

Deploy to OpenShift

Infrastructure setup

We're going to set up the following infrastructure

  • build project, to build the images, images from build project will be promoted to the stage
  • dev
  • test
  • prod

Create the projects:

  • oc new-project marina-build
  • oc new-project marina-dev
  • oc new-project marina-test
  • oc new-project marina-prod

Give the puller serviceaccount from the stages access to the build project:

oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:marina-dev -n marina-build
oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:marina-test -n marina-build
oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:marina-prod -n marina-build

Setup build project:

  • add docker build: oc new-build --strategy=docker --name=marina-backend

Application setup

  • create Project
  • add persistent Postgresql database, and configure dc
  • Create Backend app
    • dev oc new-app marina-build/marina-backend:dev -n marina-dev
    • test oc new-app marina-build/marina-backend:test -n marina-test
    • prod oc new-app marina-build/marina-backend:prod -n marina-prod
  • configure backend
    • OAuth, Database, set resource limits
    • add healthchecks url /api/actuator/health, readyness initial delay 150, delay 5, liveness initial delay 200, delay 5
    • disable image change trigger, so that we can trigger the deployment from the pipeline
  • add route to expose the backend
    • path /api
    • secure with redirect of unsecure traffic


OAuth can be configured using environment variables. See the following example for a Keycloak configuration:


Please note that <CLIENT_ID>, <CLIENT_SECRET>, <HOST> and <REALM> have to be replaced corresponding to your Keycloak setup.


To create a backup cronjob on OpenSphift run the following command

oc process -f openshift/database-dump-persistent.yml -pPGUSER=user -pPGPASSWORD=12345 -pPGHOST=host -pPGDATABASE=database | oc create -f -

Tagging images and promoting to stage

Tag images in the build project accordingly, dev is always on latest.

Deploy the latest image to test: oc tag marina-build/marina-backend:latest marina-build/marina-backend:test

Deploy the latest test image to prod: oc tag marina-build/marina-backend:test marina-build/marina-backend:prod


License:MIT License


Language:Java 86.2%Language:HTML 13.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:Shell 0.2%