Swind / pure-python-adb

This is pure-python implementation of the ADB client.

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device shell push audio file has % progress on stdout, how do I get it?

enjoysmath opened this issue · comments

When we push an audio file normally (using Cygwin terminal) there's a progress % that gets printed every 50 milliseconds on the shell's stdout. Was wondering how can I get that stdout as a string until it is finished?

      devices = self.adb_client.devices()
      if devices:
         device = devices[0]
         self.status_message('Pushing audio file......')
         device.push('audio/SRV.wav', '/sdcard/music/srv.wav')
         while True:
            with self.adb_client.create_connection() as conn:
               result = conn.receive()

Hi enjoysmath,

The progress bar is printed by the adb application when the adb application opens a socket connection then sends the file data to the device.
This is not printed by the adb server or adb daemon ( device ).

If you want to print the progress, you need to implement yourself push function.

Reference code:

adb protocol spec:
