SwiftGen / SwiftGen

The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!

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Apple privacy manifest support

pavm035 opened this issue · comments


Apple is enforcing every app and SDK provider to provide privacy manifest in their SDK, would you please let me know is there any plan for the support?

NOTE: I noticed this SDK is not listed in required list from apple

Hi @pavm035,

SwiftGen is not an SDK you embed in your application. It is a build tool you use to generate code you integrate in your application.
As such, I do not see the need of supporting this in SwiftGen. So to answer your question:
No, there is no plan to support this.

If there is a case I do not see that would require this, I am open to discuss this and I will welcome any contribution on this.

Hi @Liquidsoul Thanks for the confirmation, if any request comes from apple will revisit this, thanks again!