SweerItTer / UC2MP3orFLAC

cloudmusic cachefiles to MP3 or FLAC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


程序目的: 这个程序是一个用于将.uc音频文件转换为.mp3.flac格式的工具。它利用并发处理(concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor)来提高转换效率,并提供一个基本的Tkinter GUI界面。


  1. 主要功能函数:

    • save(output_file_path, audio_contents): 保存转换后的音频内容到新文件。
    • log(contents): 记录带有时间戳的转换日志。
    • transform(input_file_path, output_file_path): 对音频文件进行转换并保存为相应格式。
    • process_files(path, progress_bar_var): 并发处理音频文件转换,显示转换进度的Tkinter GUI窗口。
    • remove_source_files(path, files): 在用户确认后删除源文件。
    • ask_confirmation(): 询问用户是否确认删除源文件。
  2. Tkinter GUI相关函数:

    • select_folder(): 打开文件夹选择对话框,开始处理所选文件夹中的音频文件。
    • create_gui(): 创建主Tkinter GUI界面,包括一个标签和一个选择文件夹的按钮。
  3. 全局变量:

    • root: Tkinter主窗口。
    • screen_width, screen_height: 屏幕宽度和高度。


  1. 运行程序后,点击“Select Folder”按钮选择包含.uc文件的文件夹。
  2. 转换进度将以Tkinter GUI的形式显示在新窗口中。
  3. 完成后,询问用户是否删除源文件。


  • 如果进度条不更新,请确保在主循环中调用root.update_idletasks(),以确保Tkinter界面更新。


作者:SweerItTer (小菜鸟,纯找乐子)

Here's an English version of the explanation the program:

Program Purpose: This program is a tool designed to convert .uc audio files to either .mp3 or .flac formats. It utilizes concurrent processing (concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor) to improve conversion efficiency and provides a basic Tkinter GUI interface.

Program Structure:

  1. Main Functional Functions:

    • save(output_file_path, audio_contents): Saves the converted audio content to a new file.
    • log(contents): Records conversion logs with timestamps.
    • transform(input_file_path, output_file_path): Converts audio files and saves them in the corresponding format.
    • process_files(path, progress_bar_var): Concurrently processes audio file conversions, displaying progress through a Tkinter GUI window.
    • remove_source_files(path, files): Deletes source files after user confirmation.
    • ask_confirmation(): Asks the user for confirmation before deleting source files.
  2. Tkinter GUI-related Functions:

    • select_folder(): Opens a folder selection dialog, initiating the processing of audio files in the selected folder.
    • create_gui(): Creates the main Tkinter GUI interface, consisting of a label and a button to select a folder.
  3. Global Variables:

    • root: Tkinter main window.
    • screen_width, screen_height: Screen width and height.

Usage Instructions:

  1. Run the program and click the "Select Folder" button to choose a folder containing .uc files.
  2. The conversion progress will be displayed in a Tkinter GUI window.
  3. After completion, the user will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the source files.


  • If the progress bar does not update, make sure to call root.update_idletasks() within the main loop to ensure Tkinter interface updates.

This program serves as a straightforward batch audio file conversion tool, allowing users to easily select folders and control the conversion process through the interface.

Creator SweerItTer


cloudmusic cachefiles to MP3 or FLAC


Language:Python 100.0%