SwapnilSoni1999 / spotify-dl

Spotify Downloader and alternative of Spotdl(python) tool made in NodeJS based on youtube-dl

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Youtube error retrying download i Input stream error: Invalid regular expression: missing /

Starlord-199 opened this issue · comments


first of all thank you for this project, and really something indescribable you are the best. I'm writing to you because I've been experiencing this bug for a couple of days (I attach Screen) I don't want that I touched something and that's why it's wrong but basically I tried everything even formatting the pc and a new installation of windows... aaah I've already been talking to the creator of this spectacular tool. Is there a way to raise the music quality from 256kbps to 320kbps? Thank you very kind I can never thank you enough for this small but very powerful application.

P.S. I am attaching the error it gives me, you will surely be able to advise me...
Thanks in advance.
Screenshot 2023-05-25 alle 22 18 11

i finished downloading to see what it said at the end as you can see it tells me there is an error but i don't know how to fix it... it downloaded 68/100 please help.

Screenshot 2023-05-25 alle 22 43 48 Screenshot 2023-05-25 alle 22 43 29

Same error here


@Starlord-199 thanks i was able to repro with this track https://open.spotify.com/track/7ro0hRteUMfnOioTFI5TG1?si=19e868b33af34de0


im not sure whats causing it but its specific files/videos as others work fine so ill do a deeper debug later today

thanks for the quick response yes I'm actually not the only one with this error. Thanks, I await news

I had the same issue but was able to resolve it.


ℹ Starting download of list 1/1
ℹ Downloading: Billie Jean Michael Jackson
ℹ Total Items: 1
ℹ 1/1
Artist: Michael Jackson
Album: Thriller
Item: Billie Jean
ℹ searching youtube with keywords "Thriller - Billie Jean"
⠇ Trying youtube link (https://youtube.com/watch?v=Zi_XLOBDo_Y) 1...evalmachine.:8

SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: missing /
at new Script (node:vm:100:7)
at Object.exports.decipherFormats (/Users/jasonschwarz/spotify-dl/node_modules/ytdl-core/lib/sig.js:116:51)
at runMicrotasks ()
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at async exports.getInfo (/Users/jasonschwarz/spotify-dl/node_modules/ytdl-core/lib/info.js:401:17)


npm install ytdl-core@latest

I tried to apply your solution by downloading the packages but unfortunately it still gives me the error as you can see from the screen

Screenshot 2023-05-26 alle 04 25 25

Also, besides this error, I'm facing this another one here many times:
Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rename 'C:\[...].ffmetadata.mp3' -> 'C:\[...].mp3'

I'm not sure if this is relevant, but here's some infos:

Win: 11
Node: 14.21.3
NPM: 6.14.18
Spotifydl: 1.1.0

@Starlord-199 do you mind giving it another try? i actually cant reproduce the issue anymore maybe it was a youtube api side issue?

hi, yes, I've tried it now with three playlists and it seems to go very well... thanks for the work you've done, you've been very kind...

Now I have another question would it be possible to download from 256kbps to 320kbps?

Yes, because I download by creating this string (spotifydl link playlist --output D:\Spotify) I don't know if I have to add any other rules... but if you tell me that it's okay and nothing can be done, that's fine already.

Please check on latest version and let me know

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