Svito-zar / genea_numerical_evaluations

Scripts for numerical evaluations for the GENEA Gesture Generation Challenge

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KeyError for 18 joints in GENEA 2022 evaluation

YoungSeng opened this issue · comments

Hello! Thanks for the great work!

In GENEA 2022 forked “genea-workshop / genea_numerical_evaluations”, For your, it seems that for 18 joints it will report an error KeyError, as the bvh in .zip file:

When I experimented myself bvh2npy.npy is written like this, what do you think about this?

    target_joints = ['b_spine0', 'b_spine1', 'b_spine2', 'b_spine3', 'b_l_shoulder', 'b_l_arm', 'b_l_arm_twist',
                     'b_l_forearm', 'b_l_wrist_twist', 'b_l_wrist', 'b_r_shoulder', 'b_r_arm', 'b_r_arm_twist',
                     'b_r_forearm', 'b_r_wrist_twist', 'b_r_wrist', 'b_neck0', 'b_head']
    data_pipe = Pipeline([
        ('dwnsampl', DownSampler(tgt_fps=30, keep_all=False)),
        ('root', RootNormalizer()),
        ('jtsel', JointSelector(target_joints, include_root=False)),
        ('np', Numpyfier())

You have to add the following joints to the 'target_joints': ['p_r_scap', 'p_l_scap', 'body_world', 'b_root']
As for the other joint set:

After I tried to add these joints, the error is KeyError: None, How does this work out?

I can generate npy without using ('exp', MocapParameterizer('position')).

Hmm... that is very unexpected to me, since the code works just fine for me.
Here is the commit where I update the range of joints: genea-workshop@431c3a5

Can you convert the bvh file in to an npy file?

Is the pymo you are using is that in If not, can you share it?

@YoungSeng Could you try this PyMo ( The previous PyMo wasn't compatible to the joint names in GENEA 2022 dataset, so we updated a bit. You might want to see this commit: youngwoo-yoon/Co-Speech_Gesture_Generation@f67dc6c#diff-fdecc1a80d49c1eeee7d9a3f24e241487fb7c5290d118682914a597a25f7523d

Thank you very much! I got it! @Svito-zar @youngwoo-yoon

I only updated the code for JointSelector in pymo, but not MocapParameterizer. Sorry, I was too careless.

Thank you, @youngwoo-yoon for resolving this confusion