Suwayomi / Suwayomi-Server

A rewrite of Tachiyomi for the Desktop

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Bug] Local source disappears with server error after browsing other extension

kairakyu opened this issue · comments

Device information

  • Suwayomi-Server version: v0.7.0-r1480
  • Server Operating System: bundled in docker image (
  • Server Desktop Environment: N/A
  • Server JVM version: bundled in docker image
  • Client Operating System: Linux (as docker host)
  • Client Web Browser: Firefox 122.0

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run using docker-tachidesk docker-compose.yml, adding these environment vars:
      - WEB_UI_CHANNEL=preview
      - DOWNLOAD_AS_CBZ=true
      - FLARESOLVERR_URL=http://flaresolverr:8191

Open Web UI and view the "Browse" page, looks okay:
2. Configure third-party extension repo and install NHentai, issue may exist for other extensions that use flaresolverr but I haven't checked
3. Click on NHentai to browse, wait for flaresolverr to finish
4. Go back to "Browse" page, refresh. Local source is now missing and server throws an error
5. Error log from server when loading "Browse" page

Expected behavior

Browsing other sources should not remove the local source from the list of available sources.

Actual behavior

See steps 4 and 5 above.

Other details

Tried to reproduce this with a few other extensions and couldn't get it to happen, might only occur with extensions that use flaresolverr.

Likely related to deregistering all sources after a new UA was sent to us. I'll take a look into fixing that when I can

Fixed in the latest build 👍