Suwayomi / Suwayomi-Server

A rewrite of Tachiyomi for the Desktop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Bug] Can't install extensions from repo nor external files

TyrantRC opened this issue · comments

Device information

  • Suwayomi-Server version: Preview v0.7.0-r1468x64 windows
  • Server Operating System: Windows 10 Pro N 22H2 19045.3930 x64
  • Server Desktop Environment: N/A
  • Server JVM version: build 17.0.8+9-LTS-211
  • Client Operating System: Same as server
  • Client Web Browser: Google Chrome Version 121.0.6167.86 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Steps to reproduce

  1. try to install an extension from either a repo or an external file

Expected behavior

should install the extension and be able to use it

Actual behavior

sends back a error message

Other details

This happens with any extension, be it from a repo, or an external file. I can install anything on the stable version, but it was suggested in other issues to install to the latest preview since some extensions were malfunctioning in the stable.

Attached a log of me trying to do it from a fresh install


@Syer10 line 174, should that be a .jar or should that be an .apk?
2024-01-23 21:43:23.031 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-10] ERROR suwayomi.tachidesk.manga.impl.util.PackageTools - Failed to load jar with path: E:\Images\Manga\#Suwayomi\Data/extensions/tachiyomi-all.mangadex-v1.4.192.jar
edit: ignore me

@TyrantRC you need to remove the # from the path, that special character will likely break a few things.

@TyrantRC you need to remove the # from the path, that special character will likely break a few things.

This solved the issue. Thanks.

changed root path from "E:\Images\Manga\#Suwayomi" to "E:\Images\Manga\Suwayomi".