Superraptor / GSSO

GSSO is the Gender, Sex, and Sex Orientation ontology, including terms related to gender identity and expression, sexual and romantic identity and orientation, and sexual and reproductive behavior.

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Maximising interoperability: using OBO NCBI taxon purls

matentzn opened this issue · comments

I dont know the history behind this, but there seem to be two different ID schemes for NCBI taxon:


To maximise the interoperability with other OBO ontologies, it would be good if you could use the latter. You could just use string+replace in your ontology, and it would work I think. The reason is this:

Search engines such as OLS are heavily used by curators; now they are swamped with two alternative NCBITAXON ids.. I think it would be good to normalise..

Thanks for noting! Originally I was using the IRIs from the NCBO BioPortal version. I've changed this as of the 2.0.5 beta and pushed it to GitHub.
