Superraptor / GSSO

GSSO is the Gender, Sex, and Sex Orientation ontology, including terms related to gender identity and expression, sexual and romantic identity and orientation, and sexual and reproductive behavior.

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Invalid lang tag in one of the annotations

althonos opened this issue · comments

Hi !

While parsing the different files from the OBO Foundry I noticed a bug in one of the axioms of the GSSO; namely:

        <owl:annotatedSource rdf:resource=""/>
        <owl:annotatedProperty rdf:resource=""/>
        <owl:annotatedTarget rdf:datatype="">547.7343</owl:annotatedTarget>
        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">org. chem.</rdfs:comment>
        <schema:bookEdition xml:lang="e">19</schema:bookEdition>

in the OWL/XML file, where the bookEdition annotation get an xml:lang tag instead of having the xsd:integer datatype.

Thank you so much for pointing out! I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond. I'm currently in the process of porting the GSSO over to lgbtDB ( This will then be ported out to RDF. It's still early on in the process, but is currently about double the size of the second version of the GSSO, and I expect it to become likely double or triple the size. Since it's just me working on it so far, it's taking a bit, but it's coming along smoothly so far!