Sunoo / homebridge-smtp-motion

Converts SMTP messages into HTTP motion alerts that homebridge-camera-ffmpeg understands

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Can't get to work with Hoobs

kkissane0328 opened this issue · comments


I have Camera FFmpeg set up on Hoops working fine.

I set this up on Hoobs but upon start up I receive the log error

1/19/2022, 3:57:30 PMSmtp Motion BridgeSMTP MotionERRORThe homebridge-camera-ffmpeg plugin must be installed and configured.

Seems like setup may be different on Hoobs vs Homebridge. Any help is appreciated.

Can you share your config for both this and Camera FFmpeg?


Camera FFmpeg Bridge:

"platform": "Camera-ffmpeg",
"name": "Camera FFmpeg",
"cameras": [
"name": "frontyard",
"manufacturer": "Amcrest",
"model": "5MP UltraHD",
"serialNumber": "AMC060D3099705C467",
"unbridge": false,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-i rtsp://user:pw@IP:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0",
"stillImageSource": "-i http://user:pw@IP/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?chan=1",
"maxWidth": 0,
"maxHeight": 0,
"maxFPS": 0,
"maxBitrate": 4096,
"forceMax": true,
"vcodec": "copy",
"audio": true,
"debug": true
"motion": true,
"switches": false
"name": "backyard",
"manufacturer": "Amcrest",
"model": "5MP UltraHD",
"serialNumber": "AMC060333D89805428",
"unbridge": false,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-i rtsp://admin:Kk032890@",
"stillImageSource": "-i http://admin:Kk032890@",
"maxWidth": 0,
"maxHeight": 0,
"maxFPS": 0,
"maxBitrate": 4096,
"forceMax": true,
"vcodec": "copy",
"audio": true,
"debug": true
"motion": true
"porthttp": 8080

Smtp Motion Bridge
"platform": "smtpMotion",
"name": "SMTP Motion",
"smtp_port": 2525,
"log_emails": true


Camera FFmpeg
Smtp Motion

Interesting, it does sound like there is some issue with this plugin and HOOBS then. In the meantime, you could try setting override_http to 8080 in the config for SMTP Motion and see if that gets you working.


I actually tried that and I do get the confirmation email line but the motion on the camera doesn't actually trip

1/20/2022, 1:05:07 PMSmtp Motion Bridge starting
1/20/2022, 1:05:12 PMSmtp Motion BridgeLoaded plugin 'homebridge-smtp-motion'
1/20/2022, 1:05:12 PMSmtp Motion BridgeLoading 1 platforms...
1/20/2022, 1:05:12 PMSmtp Motion BridgeBridge is running on port 51886.
1/20/2022, 1:07:53 PMSmtp Motion BridgeSMTP Motion[frontyard] Email received.

If you set debug to true on the camera, it should log when motion alerts are received. Can you try that and see if anything shows up in your logs? I can’t think of a reason that HOOBS should break that…


Even with the logs enabled I don't see a motion event. Even tried triggering the motion event with the switches. I can see motion in HomeKit but no evidence in logs. Very strange

Interesting, let me see what I can find out. I haven’t tested this as thoroughly on HOOBS as I have on Homebridge, but it should work…


Any help is appreciated! You rock!


@kkissane0328 : for what it is worth, here is how I solved the issue which I encountered as well.
As my camera could also use FTP to send alert, I installed the ftp plug-in ( and it is working flawlessly.


Not sure what changed but motion sensor is working all of a sudden

Interesting, I guess we can close this out for now. If you ever figure out what happened, let me know and maybe I’ll add it to the documentation or something.