SummersRemote / xmlToJSON

simple javascript utility for converting xml into json

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please publish new version, for JSPM compatibility

kylecordes opened this issue · comments

It appears that the very most recent commit of this project is compatible with JSPM, but all previous versions are not. Therefore, the following fails:

jspm install github:metatribal/xmlToJSON

(Or rather, the command works, but the module cannot be loaded)

But this succeeds:

jspm install github:metatribal/xmlToJSON@master

Therefore, please "version" the project again so that this latest commit is published as a version. That will make it "just work" without having to know anything about the above.

(On a broader note, it's a new world out there! Until the last few years, nearly everyone was just bringing libraries in with a script tag. Now there is a rapidly increasing expectation that module loaders will work, whether it is browserify with require, JSPM, etc. It is a bunch of stuff to get used to, but the development experience is vastly improved for large complex applications.)

Thanks for catch. It should be fixed now - let me know if it still does not work for you.

Yes, it works well now, thank you.