SuikaSibyl / SibylEngine2021

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SIByL Engine

Personal game engine, which I plan to work on for a long time in coming years.

The engine is currently far from real production, and mass architecture change might happen in the future.

Post Scripts

The Design and Basic Codes are heavily based on The Cherno's Hazel 2D Engine. Thanks for his great tutorials, which really taught me to learn a lot.

Demo Hair Demo


Recent Update

  • Post Process Pipe: SSAO
  • Shadow System ( directed )

Recent Plans

  • New Shader System
  • New graphic abstract layer

Future Plans

  • Path Tracer
  • PBR probe system
  • Other GI system...


  • Event System
    • Uniform API for independent realizations of Windows HWND & GLFW
  • Graphic API
    • Uniform API for independent realizations of DX12 & OpenGL
    • Computer Shader is supported
    • (Shading language is not uniformed yet...)
  • Graphic System
    • Material
    • Camera
    • Light (directional, point)
    • ScriptableRenderPipeline
      • Original designed API
      • Implementation of basic pipes:
        • Draw Pipes
          • EarlyZ
          • LitForward
        • Post Processing Pipes
          • ACES
          • Bloom
          • FXAA
          • Sharpen
          • TAA
          • Vignette
  • ECS System
    • Based on entt :
    • Implemented Components:
      • Tag
      • Camera
      • Transform
      • Light
      • Self-Collision Detector
      • Mesh Filter
      • Mesh Renderer (multi-pass supported!)
      • Sprite Renderer
  • Editor
  • Physics
    • Self Collision Detection (based on CUDA)
      • Performance: 1.2 million triangles flag testcase 0.06s (on RTX 2070S)



Parallel Computing




Language:C 51.4%Language:C++ 43.2%Language:GLSL 3.1%Language:Cuda 2.3%Language:HLSL 0.1%