Subito-it / SBTUITestTunnel

Enable network mocks and more in UI Tests

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Tuist: Could not build Objective-C module 'SBTUITestTunnelCommon'

Ricardo-all-win-software opened this issue · comments

I follow all the steps to install and setup SBTUItunnel, I'm using Tuist 3.15.0 to generate the Xcode Project but when I try to run the UITest I get the _Could not build Objective-C module **'SBTUITestTunnelCommon'**_ error

I added the SBTUITestTunnelServer target on my main target, also I added the SBTUITestTunnelClient target on my target of the UI Tests.

image (1)

This is my configuration:

The error is:



Could you provide a sample project that replicates this issue? From the screenshot the target list doens't look right since I wouldn't expect duplications there.