Subito-it / SBTUITestTunnel

Enable network mocks and more in UI Tests

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Module 'GCDWebServer' not found error when running App

maninderjeetsingh1 opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to integrate SBTUITestTunnel in my Objective C project which uses cocoapods for dependency management.

I have followed all the Installation & Setup guidelines mentioned in the Github here.

Added following to My Apps Target
pod 'SBTUITestTunnelServer' pod 'GCDWebServer', :inhibit_warnings => true
and, added below to my UITest target
pod 'SBTUITestTunnelClient'

Along with above I've also added below code to my AppDelegate file
#import "SBTUITestTunnelServer.h"
Added below in the method didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
#if DEBUG [SBTUITestTunnelServer takeOff] #endif

And did pod install
I can see all the dependencies are getting downloaded but when I'm running my test target. I'm getting error
/<Project_PATH>/ios-app/myios-app/Pods/SBTUITestTunnelServer/Sources/SBTUITestTunnelServer/SBTUITestTunnelServer.m:30:9: Module 'GCDWebServer' not found

Kindly help me on resolving this.

Screenshot 2021-12-01 at 10 10 42 PM

Can you replicate the issue in a sample project you can share?

Tried it. Could not replicate the issue in sample project. I did same setup for both the projects but its failing in my real project.

Same problem.

Same problem - just out of the blue, randomly, Xcode suddenly decided that it's all gone.