SubPointSolutions / MetaPack

A NuGet platform for packaging, delivering and deploying SharePoint customization with PnP/SPMeta2 support.

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API/CLI - finalize regression testing strategy

SubPointSupport opened this issue · comments

Regression testing has to address the following areas across both API and CLI:

API (all providers)

  • packing solution
  • unpacking solution
  • pushing solution to NuGet

API provision via MetaPack.SPMeta2 provider

  • SP2013 CSOM
  • SP2013 SSOM
  • O365 CSOM

API provision via MetaPack.SharePointPnP provider

  • [unsupported yet] - SP2013 CSOM
  • [unsupported yet] - SP2016 CSOM
  • O365 CSOM

CLI, basic operations

  • empty run
  • version
  • list (O365)
  • list (SP2013)
  • install (all providers and APIs)
  • install -force (all providers and APIs)
  • upgrade -force (all providers and APIs)