Stuermer / EchelleSimulator

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Efficiency of the Spectrograph

maddalenabugatti opened this issue · comments

Hello Julien,
I have a little doubt about the efficiency that Pyechelle automatically applies on the spectrum.
In my simulations, I did not set any specific efficiency while running the simulator and I use an input source in photon/s (CSV file). I thought that the efficiency was then automatically set to 1.
However, once I extract the 1D spectrum I do not obtain something of the same order of magnitude as my input: let's say my input spectrum has an average of about 1000 photons/s, I would expect about the same average in the extracted 1D spectrum. But unfortunately I get systematically an average 40-50 times smaller than the input.
I was wondering if an efficiency is automatically computed using the affine matrices, or using the model of the CCD.
I tried the command 'sim.set_no_efficiency()' to avoid any extra efficiency, but it gives error (maybe I am calling it in a wrong way) .
Thank you very much in advance,

Hi Maddalena,
thanks for your report (next time though, please do it on PyEchelle repo :-) ).
Can you send me your CSV file ? I'm almost done rewriting the whole python module that deals with input spectra - my guess is that your issue has to do with the fact that you specify ph/s, while PyEchelle normally expects ph/s/nm (a spectral flux). I can try my new code and see how it deals with ph/s.