Stuermer / EchelleSimulator

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Container exits with segfault

dirickxmaarten opened this issue · comments

Trying to run the container on dockers exits after downloading the fits file. Upon closer inspection I noticed that running echellesimulator with the params provided in the example, crashes the simulator.

root@718253d05be1:/home/build#` ./echellesimulator --spectrograph MaroonX --phoenix 3500,-1.,0.,5.5,1 -r 100 -o mdwarf.fits
Spectrograph file found: ../data/spectrographs/MaroonX.hdf
Read in 33 Orders

Iterating over elements in the file
Simulating phoenix spectra with magnitude = 1
Trying to download PHOENIX Spectrum with: T_eff=3500 log_g=5.5 z=-1 Alpha=0
Downloading spectra from:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)`

Thanks for reporting it and sorry for the delay in replying.
The problem was missing directories for the downloaded phoenix spectra... (data/phoenix_spectra)

I believe I have fixed it, I updated the docker image. I appreciate if you confirm.

p.s. I'm working on a python version just FYI. No promises on when this will happen though.

I'll close the issue, since I believe it's fixed. If you still experience problems don't hesitate to reopen the issue. Thanks.

Yes indeed, the issue is resolved. Thank you for the update!
Kind regards,