Studiosity / grover

A Ruby gem to transform HTML into PDFs, PNGs or JPEGs using Google Puppeteer/Chromium

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Bacground Image not showing on pdf result

kori22 opened this issue · comments

Hi Grover team, thanks for creating grover as pdf plugin converter from HTML, currently i get some issue for adding background image on dpf result, image not showing. this my code for html

<%= @member.user_company.user.fullname %>

<%= %>

<%= %>

<div class="row certificate-f">
	<div class="col-sm-6 certificate-d">
		<p class="text">Issued On</p>
		<p class="date">Saturday, 21 Oct 2022</p>

	<div class="col-sm-6 certificate-s">
		<%= image_tag("/learning/sample-ttd.png", class: "c-sign-img") %>
		<p class="name"><%= @member.learning_program.signature_name %></p>
		<p class="structure">Direktur Operation</p>

and this my code for generating PDF
`@certificate = @program.learning_certificate
html = render_to_string({
template: '/learnings/certificate.html.erb',
layout: '/layouts/pdf_layout.html.erb'

    style_tag_options = [

    binary_pdf =, landscape: true, printBackground: true, style_tag_options: style_tag_options).to_pdf

    send_data(binary_pdf, filename: "learning-#{}-#{@member.user_company.user.fullname}-.pdf", type: 'application/pdf') `

i got stuct this for 3 days, please advice for this case

Hmm not sure you've really provided enough information to go on here. Is the image you're expecting to display the /learning/sample-ttd.png image? Or are you trying to display some image using CSS?

If it is the sample-ttd.png image then that's not a background image and any display issue is likely more to do with other issues like specifying a page size/format (ie the content being rendered off the side of the page).

If it is an image rendered with CSS, then I suggest you read Browsers will try and "save ink" when printing and not display background images by default. If you want to display an image when printing (and that's what exporting to a PDF is - to the browser) then you need to explicitly tell the browser to do so! If you're using the default browser then you'd add -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important; along with your background CSS definition. For Firefox it would be print-color-adjust: exact !important;