StudioSophisti / ESP-WROOM-32-Eagle-Breakout

An Eagle Breakout board for Espressif's ESP-WROOM-32

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A breadboard compatible Eagle breakout board for Espressif's ESP32 module ESP-WROOM-32. The ESP32 is a powerful and low-cost Wifi/Bluetooth chip that enables great Internet-Of-Things applications. Studio Sophisti is using this chip in several projects, including a work-in-progress redesign of Ping (

The ESP-WROOM-32 can be purchased directly from Espressif or from a distributor like Adafruit:

The board contains reverse-voltage protections, 2 buttons (1 for reset and 1 for activating programming mode), and a diode on the RX line so the IC is 5V serial port compatible.

Power it from a 3.0-3.3V power source.

The design has been tested and works.


  • 2 SPST switches: Farnell 2468741
  • 2 10k resistors: Farnell 2130939
  • 1 10uF capacitor: Farnell 2494230
  • 1 1N4148 diode: Farnell 1466524
  • 1 2N2007E mosfet: Farnell 2317616

PCB Preview


Generated with GerberTools from ThisIsNotRocketScience (, thanks Stijn!


An Eagle Breakout board for Espressif's ESP-WROOM-32

License:MIT License