StringManolo / relax

Social Network i'm developing just for fun.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


npm scripts

Command Description
npm install Install all the dependencies
npm run Show this list of npm scripts
npm run compile Compile the typescript project without credentials
npm run compile-dev Compile the typescript project to be runnable
npm run push "Commit message" Git add, git commit and git push without credentials (make sure you compiled without credentials just right before)
npm start Create postgresql database, user, roles and tables and/or start the services
npm run start-node Start node service
npm stop Stop Postgresql and Node services
npm run showPgLogs Show service logs
npm run deletePgLogs Delete service logs
npm run delete Delete the database
npm run test-signin Create a default account and show results
npm run test-login Try to log with default account and show results
npm run test-verification Try to submit default verification_code and show results
npm run cli Run a cli client (show help)
npm run cli-signin Create an account using the terminal, an email will be sent (for debug output also shown to console if you start node running npm run start-node)
npm run cli-verification Verificate an account using the terminal
npm run cli-login Log into an account using the terminal
npm run cli-username Test if an username is available using the terminal
npm run cli-createPost Create a user post using the terminal
npm run cli-setBio Set bio (a short personal description of the user) using the terminal
npm run cli-getProfile Show user info (not including credentials and metadata) and posts using the terminal
npm run cli-search Search a pattern in the database using the terminal
npm run cli-showProfile Same as getProfile but by username (other users), using the terminal
npm run cli-addFriend Add a user to your friend list using the terminal
npm run edit-server Edit the server typescript file using vim
npm run edit-queries Edit the queries typescript file using vim
npm run edit-cli Edit the cli typescript file using vim
npm run edit-todo Edit the TODO markdown file using vim
npm run edit-readme Edit the README markdown file using vim
npm run netcat Start a ncat (the netcat from nmap) binded to port 3000 to debug front-end/cli
npm run test Test all the project (not implemented yet)


Social Network i'm developing just for fun.


Language:TypeScript 68.8%Language:JavaScript 18.8%Language:HTML 8.4%Language:Shell 3.5%Language:CSS 0.6%