Stremio / stremio-core

⚛️ The Stremio Core: types, addon system, UI models, core logic

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PullNotifications calls optimization

elpiel opened this issue · comments


Currently on every windows Focus we call the PullNotifications action of core. This is excessive amount of call to the addons api when really, we can expect a maximum of 1 or 2 times per day to have newly released episodes for a movie series.


Make the call to PullNotifications less often, ideally no more than 2-3 times per day.

Is there a timestamp of this call saved anywhere?
Maybe we could save a timestamp of the last call in the localStorage and condition it to fire only every 6 or 12hours that way we could limit the calls.
Would that be a valid solution?

Yes, we will implement something similar but we've decided to move this logic to stremio-core instead of each app having to implement this logic themselves and test each implementation on it's owm.

I'm moving this issue to

This was improved by checking if only mtime has changed and skips updating the whole LibraryItem when it's the only field changes in #571