Stolz / Assets

An ultra-simple-to-use assets management library for PHP

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rajivseelam opened this issue · comments


Though I have been using this in each and every project, I haven't been able to successfully minify and concatenate using this package.

Whenever I minify js it throws errors of JSLint etc.,

Whenever I minify css, relative paths don't work well. I usually download themes from themeforest, so the folder organization of those files varies a lot. Usage of slider plugins like revolution slider, font-awesome etc., are common.

I use the following fetch command:

        'fetch_command' => function ($asset) {

            $content = file_get_contents($asset);
            $regex = "/\burl\(\s?[\'\"]?(([^';]+)\.(jpg|eot|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ttf|woff|svg|otf).*?)[\'\"]?\s?\)/";
            $prefix = '/'.str_replace(public_path() . '/', '', dirname($asset)) . '/';

            $filter = function ($match) use ($prefix) {

                // Do not process absolute URLs
                if('http://' === substr($match[1], 0, 7) or 'https://' === substr($match[1], 0, 8) or '//' === substr($match[1], 0, 2))
                    return $match[0];

                // Add your filter logic here
                return 'url(\''.$prefix.$match[1] . '\')';

            // Apply filter
            return preg_replace_callback($regex, $filter, $content);

I have developed from this one of your examples, the original one doesn't work for, and my one works partially as in, I have even tried only concatenation and no minification with following setting:
'no_minification_regex' => '/.[-.]((min\.css)|js|min\.js|css)*$/i',

With this my pages at least load, but some parts of my html don't work.


Hi @rajivseelam.

Since a few months ago you can provide your own minifier for both CSS and JS using the css_minifier and js_minifier configuration options.

The options need to be a closure that will receive as the unique parameter the content of the asset file that needs to minified. i.e:

'css_minifier' => function ($originalContent) {
    $minifier = new MyCustomMinifier();
    return  $minifier->minifyCss($originalContent);

The fetch_command approach is good for very basic processing but when your assets need more complex pre-processing it doesn't scale up. Find a solid library that can handle the specific needs of your assets and replace the default minifiers with that. I'm not familiar with any other library so I can't recommend one but I'm sure there are plenty of them.