SteveMacenski / mppic

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Model Predictive Path Integral Controller

Differential drive



Navigation2 Controller plugin. Currently testing on ros2 foxy.

This is a controller (local trajectory planner) that implements model predictive path integral control to track a path with collision avoidance.

The main idea of the algorithm is to sample batch of control sequences with specified time step for each control, Having inital state of robot (pose, velocity) and batch of controls use iteratively "model" to predict real velocities for each time step in batch.

this can be explained as follows V(t+1) = M(t), where

  • V(t+1) - predicted velocities of batch at time step t + 1
  • M(T) - Function that predicts real velocities at t + 1 step, by given velocities and control actions at t step.

Then velocities integrated to get trajectories. For each trajectory, the cost function is calculated. All control sequences are weighted by trajectories costs using softmax function to get final control sequence.


MPPIc package requires a modern C++ compiler supporting C++17, and Conan C++ package manager:

pip install conan


Controller params

Parameter Type Definition
iteration_count int Iteration count in MPPI algorithm
lookahead_dist double Max lenght of the global plan that considered by local planner
batch_size int Count of randomly sampled trajectories
time_steps int Number of time steps (points) in each sampled trajectory
model_dt double Time interval between two sampled points in trajectories
vx_std double Sampling standart deviation for VX
vy_std double Sampling standart deviation for VY
wx_std double Sampling standart deviation for WX
vx_max double Max VX
vy_max double Max VY
wz_max double Max WZ
temperature double Selectiveness of trajectories by their costs (The closer this value to 0, the "more" we take in considiration controls with less cost), 0 mean use control with best cost, huge value will lead to just taking mean of all trajectories withou cost consideration
visualize bool Use visualization
motion_model string Type of model [diff, omni, carlike]

CriticScorer params

Parameter Type Definition
critics_type string Type of controller [float, double]
critics_names string Critics (plugins) names

GoalCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
goal_weight double
goal_power int

GoalAngleCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
goal_angle_cost_weight double
goal_angle_cost_power int
threshold_to_consider_goal_angle double Minimal distance between robot and goal above which angle goal cost considered

AngleToGoalCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
angle_to_goal_cost_weight double
angle_to_goal_cost_power int

[Approx]ReferenceTrajectoryCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
reference_cost_weight double
reference_cost_power int

ObstaclesCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
consider_footprint bool
obstacle_cost_weight double
obstacle_cost_power int
inflation_cost_scaling_factor int Must be set accurately according to inflation layer params
inflation_radius double Must be set accurately according to inflation layer params

XML configuration example

      plugin: "mppi::Controller<float>"
      time_steps: 15
      model_dt: 0.1
      batch_size: 300
      vx_std: 0.1
      vy_std: 0.1
      wz_std: 0.40
      vx_max: 0.5
      vy_max: 0.5
      wz_max: 1.3
      iteration_count: 2
      temperature: 0.25
      motion_model: "diff"
      visualize: true
        critics_type: "float"
        critics_names: [ "GoalCritic", "GoalAngleCritic", "AngleToGoalCritic", "ReferenceTrajectoryCritic", "ObstaclesCritic" ]
          goal_cost_power: 1
          goal_cost_weight: 15
          goal_angle_cost_power: 1
          goal_angle_cost_weight: 15 
          threshold_to_consider_goal_angle: 0.20
          angle_to_goal_cost_power: 2
          angle_to_goal_cost_weight: 2
          reference_cost_power: 1
          reference_cost_weight: 5
          consider_footprint: true
          obstacle_cost_power: 1
          obstacle_cost_weight: 20
          inflation_cost_scaling_factor: 3.0
          inflation_radius: 0.75


Topic Type Description
trajectories visualization_msgs/MarkerArray Randomly generated trajectories, including resulting control sequence
transformed_global_plan nav_msgs/Path Part of global plan considered by local planner




License:MIT License


Language:C++ 96.1%Language:CMake 3.6%Language:Python 0.3%