StephMc / web-animations-test-infrastructure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



To allow the web-animation tests to be autoamatically trigged by github postrecieve hooks and the results + results history to be displayed on a web page.


1. Github's post recieve hook sends a JSON POST request to queueRuns.php.
2. In queueRuns.php aach commit in the post request is put into the queuedRuns tables in the database.
3. It then uses curl to cause triggerTests.php to run.
4. TriggerTests.php takes the most recent commit from queuedRuns table, creates a new Run for it (and removes it from queueRuns table) then passes the Run's id and the commits sha1 to
5. moves the local repo to the desired commit using, cleans the chrome cache and then uses xvfb-run to start testRunner.html (in test framework repo) running though the tests.
6. TestRunner.html sends XHRs to collectResults.php. The results are put into the database. It sends a XHR to say when it is finished. This causes collectResults.php to call
7. kills the Xvfb and chrome and then uses curl to call triggerTests.php. Then repeats from 4 if more commits to process otherwise it will stop there.

How to set up

1. Install Apache2, MySQL and PHP. PhpMyAdmin is also handy to visually see & manage the databases. 2. Clone web-animations-test-infrastructure into /var/www 3. Create a database called results and add the tables in the .sql files in directory sql in the order queuedRuns, runs, results, asserts. 4. Go to the github repository that you want to test with each push request. On the top menu bar click "settings", on the side bar click "Service Hooks", then select WebHook URLs under the available service hooks. Paste "http://YOUR_IP_ADDESS/web-animations-test-infrastructure/queueRuns.php" into the url box and click update settings. 5. Click "Test Hook" on the same page then go to "http://YOUR_IP_ADDESS/web-animations-test-infrastructure" and if its all working you should see some results in grey boxes.


- There a few hard coded links & ip addresses in some of the files that will need to be changed for it to work. - Apache2 has to own the git repo that it is reading the tests & web-animations-js from otherwise it wont have the permissions to update it. - Results of all the tests are displayed using index.php. - All the tables for the database are created using the .sql files in the sql directory. - Everything in the classes directory controlls how to access a database table of the same name.


- Run: Collection of all the individual test file results for a certain commit. - Result: Collection of all the indivdual asserts results inside a test file. - Assert: Result of a single check inside a test file. - QueuedRun: A run that is scheduled to be processed.



Language:PHP 95.9%Language:Shell 4.1%