SteamRE / DepotDownloader

Steam depot downloader utilizing the SteamKit2 library.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Official docker image?

dumbasPL opened this issue · comments


Would be nice to have an official docker image that is automatically built in CI/CD.

LMK if you need any help setting it up or want me to make a PR

I don't see any reason that we shouldn't have one. Feel free to submit a PR.

I have a different question, what do you need a docker image for?

If you don't want to install .NET, providing self-contained builds would be a better idea imo.


If you don't want to install .NET, providing self-contained builds would be a better idea imo.

Yeah, I think this is a good change in general for all users. Docker containers are good in CI and as a base image to build other things on top of this. But I guess I can just maintain my own. This was more of a "Hey, would be cool to have this." but If you guys don't want to maintain it then just close the pr and publish self-contained builds for all platforms.

I get that I'm not a "typical user"

You can give a self contained build from here a try:


All the Linux builds (and probably the rest as well) are arm64 because when you run 3 builds in a row they overwrite each other.
Tip: throw the arch into the matrix (windows also has arm now ;)) and use the matrix variables in the build/upload stages instead of if statements


nice, will they be available somewhere outside of gh actions though? Maybe gh (pre)releases? Downloading artifacts outside of a browser is a pain.

Probably, if other maintenances have no objections.


IIRC @azuisleet wasn't happy with releasing self-contained builds, but I don't remember why.

From a security perspective it's a pain - instead of the user installing a patch, we have to rebuild and rerelease the whole application - but I suspect most users won't actually care about that, it's more of an enterprise-y thing.

(The same applies to container images anyway, though.)

Size of the binary is one concern, especially because we can't trim them easily.


I was working on trimming a while ago but protobuf-net just isn't there yet. We would need to switch to the Google library or something else more trim-friendly in order to get that working, and potentially then an AOT-compiled build could also be on the cards 🥺