Star-Clouds / CenterFace

face detection

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About MAP

onnx20 opened this issue · comments


I make a test on WIDERFACE val dataset,the input size of centerface network is 1920x1088(width x height), So the map result is:

Easy Val AP: 0.8841115597905682
Medium Val AP: 0.8755813460085787
Hard Val AP: 0.7423266548239988

Please, What is the network input size of the author ? and how to test for the same results as the author ?



You can refer to this code,

def test_widerface():


You can refer to this code,

def test_widerface():

I got it, Thanks!

@oyrq can you pls help me calculate mAP?