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Regenerate nsdi plot

ofirbarak opened this issue · comments

curr = s[curr_ts]['trans_time'] / s[curr_ts]['size'] # bytes/sec

I would like to generate the plot of CDF as function of Throughput (Figure 12, Right) in puffer's paper.
As I understand your code, first I should run the script in order to create a pickle file of throughput. Then run (with some small changes)

I think there is a bug here - it should be the opposite. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Hi there -- You are absolutely right and I just corrected it. Thanks for pointing it out!

I don't think @NeverlMole or I would recall which script and data source we ended up using to generate the right side of Figure 12 :-( If the figure was indeed using the data output by, I hope it doesn't affect the conclusion drawn from it. Sorry about that!