StanfordSNR / puffer

Puffer is a free live TV streaming website and a research study at Stanford using machine learning to improve video streaming

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Do you have any technical documentation or comments to go with this puffer code?

shyamalschandra opened this issue · comments

Do you have any technical documentation or comments to go with this puffer code?

We have a draft research paper on the website ( and some comments in the code. Nothing else though.

Does the SNR group @ Stanford have any other related papers on this topics?

Finally, do you plan to port to native mobile devices?

Sure, here's some more of our research (also linked in the FAQ):

Re: native mobile devices, we probably won't write a client ourselves anytime soon, but fundamentally we don't control the client anyway. The Puffer server communicates with the client using some pretty reasonable and well-documented interchange formats (H.264/Opus over a WebSocket) and the client-side JS is relatively lightweight (it just shoves the video into the browser's native decoder using MSE, and reports some stats on (e.g.) stall events back to the server so we can measure how well each algorithm is doing). It's not like we can prevent people from changing the client today.

That said, on reflection I think we'd be pretty uncomfortable with other people writing custom clients and putting them in the iOS/Android app stores. We wouldn't want anybody advertising Puffer like it was some sort of commercial service that people should depend on -- this is a small research study and we have ethical obligations to the study participants. And it would make us (and probably other people too) pretty uncomfortable if anybody tried to make money in the process.