SquareBracketAssociates / NewPharoByExample9

The PharoByExample9 repository since to have a broken history. Now the book versioning is moved to this repository to get work done.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chapter 17

mr-Serg opened this issue · comments

p. 255 Error: "Rule 7 says that the superclass of a metaclass cannot be an arbitrary class..." Should be "Rule 8"

p. 260 typo: "and querying (i.e., hasMethods, includesSelector," should be includesSelector:

p. 262 Convention "Object class superclass --> ProtoObject class" should be "Object class superclass >>> ProtoObject class"

p. 263 Question - I don't understand the statment "Every class is a Class." I now, that SortedCollection is a Collection, Float is a Number and so on. The relation "is-a" means: something concrete is a kind of something more general. So "Every class is an Object", and "Every metaclass is a Class". Is this true or not?