SquareBracketAssociates / NewPharoByExample9

The PharoByExample9 repository since to have a broken history. Now the book versioning is moved to this repository to get work done.

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Chapter 13

Ducasse opened this issue · comments

p. 169 A wrong statment: "RECALL that a package may add new functionality to a class even if it does not define this class." "Recall" is wrong: there is not any word about this neither in the previous chapters nor in the next ones.

p. 170 A reference to the Listing 13-1 is missing

p. 171 "The message storeOn: writes to its argument..." - message or method?

pp. 172-173 Should be references to The Listings

p. 174 typo: "13.6 About isKindOf: and respondTo:" should be "respondsTo:"

p. 175 Question: "Since instance variables are accessed by reference, a shallow copy of an object shares its references to instance variables with the original object." Really "are variables accessed by reference"? Or variables hold references to their values? Really "shares references to instance variables"? Or shares references to values? Each instance has its own set of instance variables, so "to share references to instance variables" isn't correct on my mind.

p. 177 "Stack>>pop could easily have been implemented as follows (note that this definition is anhypothetical example and not in the Pharo 8.0 system):" but

the Listing 13-6 is above the text, so how it can be "as follows"
Pharo 8.0 or 9.0?
p. 180

Error in Figure 13-10: LargeInteger missing. LargePositiveInteger and LargeNegativeInteger both are subclasses of LargeInteger.
"The remaining operators are generically defined. For example:" - Ups, the example jumped to the Listing to the top of the page.
p.181 ">>> 100@10 "Point creation" " Should be ">>> (100@10) "Point creation" "

p. 182 Error: "Fraction>>numerator:denominator:" Should be "Fraction class >> numerator:denominator:"

p. 183 "The protocol accessing untypeable characters contains a number of convenience constructor methods such as backspace, cr, escape, euro, space, tab, and so on." - the Character class >> euro do not belongs to that protocol, but it is an extension method.

p. 185 Error: "'hello' at: 2 put: $u; yourself" - the string literal is immutable

p. 186 "The implemen�tations in its concrete subclasses are both trivial:" again, the code jumped to the top