Spritea / Context-Aggregation-Network

Context aggregation network for semantic labeling in aerial images.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

convert label

twsha opened this issue · comments


hi, thanks for your commit,
there are a problem when i process original label,
i set the the root of original label,but when run the prcode.py,it has no result output,
do you know why,looking foward to your reply,thanks.


Hi, I guess the GT_Str is empty, and you can debug line by line to check.

You can check your image folder to see whether their suffix is png.


Hi, I guess the GT_Str is empty, and you can debug line by line to check.

You can check your image folder to see whether their suffix is png.

like you say ,my origin label 's suffix is tif format,i don't have png format label.
And ,the link of the data is missing.


You can convert the tif format to png format first, and then try the code.


You can convert the tif format to png format first, and then try the code.

ok,i had try