SpotlightKid / jack-select

A systray application to quickly change the JACK-DBus configuration from QjackCtl presets.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


mxa opened this issue · comments

Didn't know where to ask, so I'll do it in an issue:
Which method would you recommend to make sure jack-select is run on every system startup?

I just link the jack-select.desktop file to the desktop autostart folder ( ~/.config/autostart) as described in the README. Some desktop environments have a GUI program to add programs to the autostart folder, for example Xfce4 has xfce4-session-settings.

If you want to activate a specific preset when jack-select starts, copy the jack-select.desktop file to the autostart folder instead of linking it and edit the Exec line and add the name of the preset as a command line argument. Again, some desktop environments have a GUI to edit .desktop files, e.g. lxshortcut for LXDE or exo-desktop-item-edit for Xfce4. KDE probably has matching tools as well.

The README only specifies how to autostart the version installed from git, but as far as I can see there is no jack-select.desktop file when the release version is installed through the python package manager.

The "official" way to install jack-select is via make install (or distribution packages), either from a git repo checkout or from the unpacked source distribution. jack-select is an application, not only a Python package; pip does not provide support for installing files for desktop integration or other support files (icons, man pages, etc.).

For the record, it's possible to install jack-select via pip3 and then make the desktop file manually to autostart like this:

You can also use the gendesk utility to generate desktop files:

Some Linux distros (e.g. Arch) have this packaged.