SouthEugeneRoboticsTeam / attendance-client

SERT's attendance manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remove leaderboard and add hours progress bar

will-hou opened this issue · comments

Remove the hours leaderboard and replace with a progress bar to show off all the hard work and time contributed to the team by every SERT member!

Palmer also suggested modifying the leader board so that it only shows who is currently logged in but not any of their hours, which sounds like a really good idea to me

Good idea! Here's a potential mock-up I just whipped up:


Something like that would look great to me!

I've tried to get started but have run into a little bit of trouble with getting MaterialUI Linear Progress bars to work. Will look more into it during the weekend

I'm guessing the current version of MUI is very outdated in this repo. If you haven't already, try updating to 4.0+

Oh jeez, yeah this repo is at 0.18.1, latest version is 4.4.1. Updating will likely require some significant changes in other portions of the app as well.

I've updated all the packages and made enough changes for the front-end elements of the website to show up on the remove-leaderboard branch.

I followed the steps on the migration guide but I'm still unable to get data from Firebase into the application. I'll try to look into it more but I don't have any experience with Firebase so it might take me a while to find out what the issue is.

Also the theme is not working yet so the application is a nice blue color for now haha.

Edit: I think I found the issue with the theming: I didn't migrate everything to material-ui core and there are errors. Will fix asap

@will-hou if you run the master version, can you see the Firebase data? Just ruling out the possibility that the credentials are screwed up.

Everything works fine when I run the master version. Good idea to check!

Nvm, we decided that updating all the dependencies to the latest version is probably unnecessary. Issue will be closed in #51 :)

Leaderboard has been removed! See revision branch